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World Report: Your Essential Guide to Virtual Meetings and Distance Learning after Covid-19



Businesses and higher education institutions worldwide
currently find themselves walking a unique tightrope.
The COVID-19 pandemic rages in some regions and
has calmed down in others, but all over, many such
organisations are attempting to resume some version of
standard operations.

Sensible remote conferencing and distance learning
practices – with support from state-of-the-art business
communications tools – are essential to help ensure
future success.

This white paper will discuss the trend development in remote conferencing pre- and post-COVID, key considerations for business and classroom conferencing, and how Sennheiser's Dante-enabled flexible beamforming technology provides a high-quality solution in a changing world.

This white paper is available in the following languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Japanese, Korean and Mandarin.

Download the Whitepaper